Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak has today launched its 10.0.3 update across all platforms, so here’s the full list of changes and fixes with this patch. With the release of Sunbreak having been just a short while ago, today the team is trying to clean up a number of the issues that have cropped up since. Some have of course been reported by the community, though others were made by the dev team through their usual QA process. While this means nothing new and refreshing to look forward to when you launch Sunbreak next, it’s likely you still have plenty to do in the game already. Without further ado, here’s everything new with Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in its 10.0.3 update!
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Update 10.0.3 Patch Notes
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available on PC and Nintendo Switch. For more information regarding this update, check out the official website.
Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments
Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments
- Fixed a bug causing your Palico’s Support Moves to change randomly when teaching them certain Secret Support Moves.
- Fixed a bug preventing a reload rating lowered by 2 levels from recovering, if you remove the Elemental Reload Switch Skill after performing a specific set of actions with the light bowgun.
- (We’ve also confirmed a bug in the reload display under Equipment Info, and this will be addressed in a future update.)
- Fixed a bug causing the game to shut down when performing a specific string of attacks using the insect glaive’s Kinsect Bonus: Boosted Powder Extract on Rakna-Kadaki or Pyre Rakna-Kadaki.
Locales and Environment
- Fixed a bug in dialogue with the Buddy Scout regarding newly added Buddy Skills that was aimed at all players, instead of only affected players.
- For A1★ and A2★ quests, the health for all monsters and the attack power of some monsters has been adjusted.
Base and Facilities
- Fixed a bug very occasionally causing the game to freeze after using the Lottery with an amiibo.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to temporarily lose the right to play Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak when purchasing or activating DLC during gameplay.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.