Ever since the Dark Souls games have exploded in popularity, many game developers have seeked to join in on what is now called the “soulslike” genre, a group of incredibly difficult games that feature boss after boss mixed with plenty of regular foes and locations to explore across a dark and dreary atmosphere. While not all have rocketed to stardom, a few have managed to stand out and make a name for themselves. After seeing the newest trailer for it, this 2D hack and slash has the potential to be one of those standouts. That game is Moonscars, one of the many new titles joining the Humble Games publishing arm and set to debut later in Summer 2022! You can find the trailer for the game below.

Reclaiming Your Title in Blood

The team at Black Mermaid have handcrafted the world of Grey Irma to be both bleak and unbelievably beautiful, featuring a dark and dreary atmosphere topped off with half-destroyed ruins. Not only that, but a whole array of grotesque beings inhabit it, leaving but shards of a once beautiful world. But you aren’t some simple mortal, instead being a god cast down for becoming too similar to those he rules over. With your weapon in hand and plenty of unique attacks to master, it’s up to you to cleanse this world of the filth that inhabits it to ensure nothing malevolent dares to step foot in these lands again. And you know, to reclaim your once rightful title and all that jazz.