Xiaomi finally put an end to the constant pestering and brought the Redmi Earbuds S to India earlier last week. These are one of the more affordable pairs of truly wireless earbuds available in India. The sub-Rs. 2,000 price tag seems to have worked in the company’s favor as Xiaomi is already celebrating a major sales milestone.

Thrilled to announce that #RedmiEarbudsS has crossed 1️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ units in just 7️⃣ days! ️🎉

Best selling TWS did 100K in Q1 in India. And #Redmi did this in 1 week. 😎

Redmi Earbuds S may not have the best audio quality (I would still get neckband earphones at this price point) but it gets the price point right. For someone looking to get budget TWS earbuds, Redmi Earbuds S sure is the perfect option. You get 7.2mm drivers, ENC, up to 12 hours of battery life, IPX4 rating, and a lot of other good stuff for just Rs. 1,799. If you are planning to get one for yourself, I suggest you go through our detailed review before you do.